The method of 'Unschooling' may not be in line with the conventional education system. But without school, can they actually get a job?

Each individual grows with different interests in mind. Some are interested in art, while some others in science, literature, and many other subjects. The primary source to obtain more lures in these matters is education.
The word "education" often correlates with the physical existence of a school, the platform where students learn in the embedded structure of learning that has been established and developed over time. However, some learners demand a way of learning that encourages more freedom to give them authority in deciding to focus on their interests.
Education may be traced all the way back to the earliest humans who lived on the planet. Every generation has considered it vital to pass on its collected knowledge, skills, values, and traditions to succeeding generations to live.
After hundreds of years of school systems revolution, the demand for "I would only learn what I'm interested in "continues to take place. Under this foundation, John Holt established the design of unschooling in 1977.

What is unschooling?
Unschooling is often referred to as "child-led learning." Unschooling, as the name indicates, allows children to follow their own interests at their own speed without the supervision of adults.
Parents may then act as facilitators rather than instructors, keeping an eye on their children to see what they are interested in and then providing the environment, resources, and opportunities for them to follow their interests.
Unschooling is based on the assumption that children are inherently interested, clever, and ready to learn, and unschooling parents believe this to be true.
Instead of condemning a youngster for wasting time, a parent should trust him, understanding that daydreaming might be the forerunner of a concentrated creative activity.
Indonesia currently has no data or further study on the unschoolers population. But, in 2011, Peter Gray and his colleague Gina Riley conducted a study of 232 parents who unschool their children, which they described as not following a curriculum and instead allowing the children to choose their own learning.
The vast majority of respondents said that unschooling helped their children's overall well-being as well as their learning, and that it also improved family harmony.
Their difficulties derived mainly from a need to justify their methods to family and friends and fight their firmly established views about education.
This made Gray question how unschooled kids felt about the experience and how it could have affected their capacity to seek further education and find quality employment opportunities.

Can unschoolers compete in the working field?
More than three-quarters of those unschoolers who answered a follow-up poll said they were financially self-sufficient; the rest were students, stay-at-home parents, or those under 21 who established businesses at home.
The vocations and careers ranged from film production assistant to tall-ship bosun, urban designer, airborne wildlife photographer, and construction firm founder, but a few trends emerged. In comparison to the general population, a disproportionately high number of survey respondents pursued jobs in the creative arts, with nearly four out of five in the always-unschooled category.
Similarly, a large percentage of responders pursued jobs in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM).
"People with these educational backgrounds don't go on to bureaucratic jobs. They do work in teams, but where there is a more democratic relationship within the team," Gray explained.
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