This is the most challenging formula that scientist around the world can't solve it so far. 


We should be proud because Yogi Ahmad Erlangga from Tasikmalaya, East Java, was able to break the mistery of the Helmholtz equation that for decades there is no one can answer. Yogi graduated from Delft University of Technology (TU DELFT), Netherland. He pursued his master's and doctoral in applied mathematic at the same universities. Yogi also joined postdoctoral in Germany and being a professor assistant in the mathematic program at the University of Alfaisal, UEA. 

His interest in Algebra and Matrix Analysis, numerical methods for partial differential equations (PDEs), numerical linear algebra, iterative methods for large-scale linear/non-linear systems, PDE-constraint optimization, with applications in fluid dynamics, and wave propagation seismic exploration/imaging. He is also interested in aircraft design and creates long, high, and durable uncrewed aerial vehicles.


Photo Courtesy of Institute Teknologi Bandung

Yogi says that mathematical equations in the differential form can solve the Helmholtz formula; it converts equations into ordinary linear algebraic equations. Once done carefully, then the next stage is the completion by direct method or iteration.

In the realm of engineering, this equation is not only to find the source of oil but the success of the Helmholtz equation can also be applied in other industries related to waves and is used to describe the behavior of waves in general. Industries that can apply this formula include the radar industry, aviation, submarines, data storage on blu-ray discs (super DVD chips that can contain tens of gigabytes of data), and laser applications.

For decades, scientists from around the world have not been able to solve mysterious equations. Still, thanks to the persistence and determination of the winner of the VNO-NCW Scholarship from the Dutch Chamber of Commerce, these equations applied in several engineering fields can now be used.

Yogi doesn't want to patent his findings, maybe he will get a considerable amount of money, but this very religious scientist refuses—including naming his results Erlangga Equation.

According to him, patenting this finding will hinder the development of other science. The doctoral thesis, prepared at the Mathematics Department of the same campus in Delft, was selected as the best thesis in the Netherlands by MNC.

He wants this finding to be used as much as possible to develop science and technology for the whole world because, according to him, it is a human right to develop science. According to his genius view, this right can be guaranteed if knowledge is owned by the public and is open source.


What is the Helmholtz equation?

Photo Courtesy of Pexels


The Helmholtz is an equation named after Hermann von Helmholtz, which is the linear partial differential equation. Where is the Laplacian, is the amplitude, and is the wavenumber. The Helmholtz equation is also an eigenvalue equation. The Helmholtz differential equation can be solved by the separation of variables in only 11 coordinate systems.


Applications of Helmholtz Equation

Seismology: Scientific study of earthquakes and their propagating elastic waves is known as seismology. Other study areas are tsunamis (due to environmental effects) and volcanic eruptions (seismic sources).

There are three types of seismic waves: body waves with P-waves (primary waves) and S-waves (secondary or shear waves), surface waves, and regular waves. Helmholtz function is defined as the thermodynamic function of a system equal to the difference between the internal energy and the product of the system's temperature and entropy. The Helmholtz equation was solved by many, and the equation was used for solving different shapes. Simeon Denis Poisson used the equation for solving rectangular membranes. Gabriel Lame solved the equilateral triangle, and Alfred Clebsch used the equation for solving circular membrane.


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