Are you out of ideas to participate in celebrating Women's History Month? These are a few things you can do.
Dating back to 1987, Women's History Month has been celebrated in the U.S. every year. The U.S. government deemed the entirety of March to be the perfect designation to celebrate the contributions women have given to society.
This year's Women's History Month theme is "Providing Healing, Promoting Hope". It is a tribute to caregivers and frontline workers who have been working ceaselessly in this pandemic. So, with that in mind, we have prepared a few ideas to participate and celebrate Women's History Month 2022.
Dive deeper into the history of women's rights
You may think that nowadays, women are equal to men in many respects (to say the least on paper), and there is no such thing as discrimination against women. That is somewhat correct, but that was not the case, even as early as 100 years ago.
For instance, take the right to vote, which seems pretty natural to belong to anyone today. Even with its long history of systemic racism, the U.S. of America gave the right to vote to African Americans 30 years before they did women. Women's suffrage was an alien idea to society throughout the history of civilization. That is until the first wave of feminism managed to push the 19th amendment in 1920.

The success of the movement gave women the momentum to pursue countless other rights within just a century, and here we are now.
So, exploring the history of women's rights to celebrate Women's History Month is a must. The idea is to reflect on who we were to picture what we have to be as a society.
Be aware of issues women still face today
Notwithstanding the progress and the significantly more extensive circulation of gender equality discourse, women still face obstacles because of their gender. Women still earn less than men on average, are still embedded deep in the household gender roles, still facing stigmas in the workplace, not to mention domestic violence women suffered, sexual harassment and the list goes on and on.
So, be aware of the existing social constructs and realize that it does not have to be that way if you do not wish so.
Spread awareness through social media
This is the least we all could do to board the wagon and the easiest way to celebrate. You can spread awareness about current issues women face or simply share articles and infographics about women's rights. The point is to share everything women-centric to celebrate 2022's Women's History Month, as spreading awareness is one of the essential conditions to implement a social movement.