You’ll learn about a hybrid work schedule and how to get started with it.
Many of us have settled into the new routine of working remotely and creating a balance between work and personal life. While we enjoy this new flexibility, with vaccines rolling out, businesses focus on bringing their people back to the office.
As we emerge from the pandemic, only 46% of companies will continue to allow working remotely. Others will go back to the office or adopt a hybrid model - one where it’s possible to work remotely and from the office.
While we have experience working from the office and have a fair idea of working remotely, we know only a little about the hybrid model.
NPR gives tips on how to set a hybrid work schedule that works for you. You’ll learn about a hybrid work schedule, how to get started with it, and how to use it to get the best of both worlds. If you want the comfort of working remotely with the perks of seeing your teammates - all in one work model, read on.
Connect with your colleagues early and often
Remember back in the office, when you'd have those spontaneous conversations — the off-the-cuff gut checks, the quick chats in the lunch line? It is possible to bring some of that back in a hybrid setting, but you have to be intentional about it and use the digital tools at your disposal.
Many messaging apps have a feature that allows you to update your status. Horton looks at that feature as the digital equivalent of standing up in your office and glancing around to see who's about for a quick brainstorm or a vent session. In the pandemic, many offices tried to schedule meetings to make up for the lack of face time in the office, but that led to meeting overload. Horton says you sometimes need five minutes for a completely fresh set of eyes on something, and we should strive to replicate those quick check-ins online.
Being in touch with your coworkers beyond the deliverables and deadlines can also help restore a sense of camaraderie. Horton says that can be especially key for younger employees and people of marginalized identities.
Build trust by getting to know your colleagues
Building trust in the workplace is essential in any setting, especially when people are out of sight for long stretches. Neeley says there are different paths to building trust, but it starts with being reliable.
Trust also evolves as people get to know one another better. Horton found that getting a window into each other's lives was a silver lining of the pandemic. It led to healthy conversations about what people are trying to balance.
Meaningful 1:1 meetings
For a hybrid work schedule to work, it’s important to schedule regular check-ins with your employees. Ask for their preferences, essential tasks, or feedback on this new work arrangement. Besides the standard department meetings, having 1:1 meetings will help you understand how your people coordinate.
It’s also easier to notice signs of burnout or any issues that an employee may be having in their everyday work. No matter how busy you seem, make sure to find some room for these meetings at least once a month with each employee you directly manage.
Transparency is the foundation of a successful hybrid work model. Your employees need to be open and honest about how and where they’re working from for it to work. This is not to micromanage or spy on your people, but rather to let everyone else know how and where they can be contacted.
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