First advice, don’t trust the myths!

Have you ever been nervous when you were asked, "What salary do you want?" If so, you're not alone when it comes to job interviews. There are others who feel the same way, and when it comes to responding, most of us make the mistake of following the wrong tips, resulting in what you should get being less valuable than what you actually receive.
In order to celebrate the new year and the new you, be aware that some things you hear about salary negotiations are incorrect, and you should stop believing them. Here are some of them:
Myth 1: You must tell HR how much you want to be paid.
The truth is that it is perfectly acceptable not to respond to the question. The HRD will usually ask how much pay you want during a job interview. However, according to Bob Park, head of the career strategy at SoFi, a personal finance company based in the U.S., HRD does not need to know how much salary you want. Instead, the company should state what nominal salary they can offer you.
According to Bob, you must first go through several stages before stating your desired amount. If the company asks you how much salary you want at the start of the interview, you can say, "I want a salary that is commensurate with my position and in line with the current average salary in Indonesia. If so, what is the company's salary range for this position?" — Instead of stating the nominal you desire, you allow them to answer the question for you.
Remember that once you know the average salary they can offer, you can always bid higher based on your experience, skills, and career goals.
Myth 2: The company will offer you a salary based on the smallest nominal you can provide.
The reality is that if you choose your salary range wisely, you will be able to avoid the lowest bid. Hannah Riley Bowles, a Harvard Business Review researcher, suggests selecting three numbers: the lowest number (you will not accept an offer below that number), the number you want to accept (and based on the average salary in Indonesia for the current position), and the desired figure (about 20 percent above the average salary in Indonesia).

Choose which number you will say during a job interview. There are some jobs that you may not want but will accept if the nominal salary is satisfactory, and there are jobs that you want and will accept even if the salary offer only satisfies your bottom line.
Myth 3: You can't negotiate a salary that is significantly higher than your current one.
The truth: According to Bob Park, some HR professionals may take advantage of you if your salary figures aren't high, but most people don't. In fact, they want applicants to be enticed by the attractive salary package. A few pointers, such as knowing the average salary based on the three-figure formula above, can help you land a competitive position.
Because your current salary nominal is not very high, HRD may offer you a salary based on the lowest number you provide; however, you must remain confident in that number.
Myth 4: If you negotiate, you will lose your chance to get a job, especially if it is your first job.
The truth is that, according to Bob, salary negotiations are natural and understandable. "The goal of negotiating is to get the highest nominal salary while maintaining a positive relationship with the company," Bob explained.
If you receive a salary offer that does not match the nominal you previously stated, Bob advises you to maintain your lowest nominal. You can say, "I like the job and the position it provides, and I believe this company shares my vision. However, it appears that the salary offered this time is still insufficient. Is it possible to discuss it again?"
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