His mission is to elevate the desire for coffee's consumption in Indonesia


Andanu Prasetyo, or Tyo, the man behind the Tuku Coffee Shop's success, founded the tiny coffee shop in the Cipete neighborhood of South Jakarta with a great purpose: to boost coffee consumption in Indonesia. He also wishes to empower Indonesian coffee farmers.

"I don't want coffee to be like batik. We are proud, and we do not like it when batik is replicated, yet we rarely use it daily. If we like coffee, I want it to be drunk every day and have an impact on coffee producers in Indonesia," said Andanu in the Buka Talks event, which was broadcast on the Bukalapak YouTube channel on April 26, 2019.

Indonesia is the world's fourth-largest coffee producer. However, that fact alone is insufficient to further the livelihood of coffee producers if it is not supported by Indonesia's high level of coffee consumption, Andanu said.

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Together with Budi and Citra, his staff, they explore the flavor of coffee that most local people enjoy. They conduct conversations with the consumers about the taste they want to have while drinking the coffee at the coffee shop and determine its best price.

Tyo initially did not use social media for marketing his shop because the shop is not very large. He focused on figuring out a means to persuade his neighbors to visit his shop.

"I'd rather simply concentrate on what's around my neighbors," he explained.

Tyo also stated on the broadcast that he processed up to 72 tons of coffee beans throughout the year in 2018, up from the initial 20 kilograms per month. The coffee shop now has multiple branch locations across Jabodetabek.

President Joko Widodo and his family visited the Tuku Coffee Shop in Cipete, South Jakarta, in 2017. Since his patronage, shoppers have been flocking to the Tuku Coffee Shop, which was already well-known at the time.

Tyo first concentrated his Coffee Shop on selling coffee beans, coffee grounds, coffee tools, and coffee drinks. He does not want his coffee shop to be regarded as a coffee shop because his primary objective is to encourage coffee consumption in Indonesia. He also sets aside emotional values to transform coffee into a functional beverage. Tyo focuses on selling delectable products at reasonable prices.

"I don't mess around, like comparing what the best one between coffee A and coffee B is, instant coffee is better or not, foreign chain coffee is better or not, I disregard all that. [All I want is] to introduce [coffee] to more people and invite them to consume even more [coffee]," he explained.

Beyond expectations

The Tuku coffee shop, which opened in June 2015, set a goal of selling 360 cups of coffee each day at first. Tyo said that, even though he was overjoyed with the actual outcome, he never had unrealistic expectations.

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Tyo considers recognition from his parents to be an accomplishment in and of itself. Furthermore, his life was monotonous during his adolescence, with no academic achievements to be proud of. He also said he is disinclined to travel, which explains why practically all of his activities occur close to home.

"I'm in business because I'm a business student. [I also chose] the Prasetiya Mulya campus primarily because of its proximity to [my] house. Toodz House (his first restaurant before Tuku-ed) and Tuku are also close by," said Tyo with a laugh.

Tyo's struggle in the coffee industry is forcing him to change his reclusive personality and become more open and friendly. A mentality that he believes is essential in business.

According to the younger of the two brothers, a good business does not eradicate the human aspect. That is why he always emphasizes to his employees, who currently number around 100 individuals (70 at Tuku and 30 at Toodz House), the importance of providing the most excellent service to buyers. He is also well acquainted with a few online motorcycle taxi drivers he met at his shop.

Tuku's success in starting the coffee milk trend has little effect on Tyo's attitude, who is laid-back and doesn't demand much from life. Tyo confesses that his parents, who are contractors, have affected his way of life.

"I learned to be content with what we have, even if it's a little," said Tyo.







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