This opportunity is open to all students in Indonesia, to get access to quality data science education.


In recent years, the role of data talent has become a vital and key profession in the development of the digital economy. Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Erick Thohir said that by 2030, Indonesia will need 17 million workers who are literate in technology and data. If at this time Indonesia is not supported by competent data talent, it is feared that Indonesia will be left behind in facing global disruption.

The younger generation is considered capable of supporting and driving Indonesia's economic growth in the future. From the 2022 BPS population census data, there are 44,696,557 Indonesians who are in the young age group. In the next few years, they must be ready to meet the needs of the existing labor market by increasing their skills so that Indonesia can make the most of this young generation by 2030.

On a mission to reduce the gap between the availability of data practitioners and industry needs, Algoritma Data Science School, a pioneer in data science education in Indonesia, has reopened registration for the Apprenticeship Scholarship Program worth Rp 8 billion.


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This program aims to prepare the nation's young talents for the future world of work. It will open on January 16, 2023. This opportunity is open to all students in Indonesia, to get access to quality data science education. The study period will be carried out intensively for 4 months, participants will also get the opportunity to do internships and become part of the Campus Ambassador Algoritma.

With the spirit of democratizing data science learning in Indonesia, the Algoritma Data Science School reopens opportunities for students throughout Indonesia to study Data Visualization, Machine Learning, and Data Analytics. Learning is carried out online which will be delivered by experienced and internationally certified instructors.

This program is open to all students from various study programs with a beginner-friendly curriculum. In addition to studying data science in depth, participants will later have the opportunity to become Campus Ambassador Algoritmas to spread data literacy at the university level. Participants also have the opportunity to take part in an internship program in order to strengthen their skills as Data Scientists.

This Scholarship Program is intended for those of you who have the motivation and vision to explore the world of data and create an impact on Indonesia.

"My hope is that the graduates of this Scholarship Program can master data science and occupy important positions in various industries in Indonesia, as well as internationally. What is obtained in the Algoritma will be useful in many fields that they are interested in and in everyday life, continue to hone skills, and keep up with existing developments. So that they can take part in realizing Indonesia's great vision," said Nayoko Wicaksono, Director of Algoritma Data Science School.

The criteria to receive a full scholarship are as follows:

● You are an Indonesian citizen

● You are an active student at a university, as evidenced by a student identification card.

● You own a laptop and other facilities for remote learning.

● You are willing to carry out activities as Campus Ambassador Algoritma.

● You are willing to take part in the internship program held by Algoritma.

Registration for the Apprenticeship Scholarship Program will run from January 16 to 17 February 2023. Selected students will be announced on 1 March 2023 and classes will start on 13 March 2023 You can find further information about this scholarship program through the Algoritma official website: scholarship.


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