Kemenparekraf believes Carbon Footprint Calculator (CFPC) and Carbon Offsetting program increase the reputation and public trust in the Indonesian tourism sector

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy / Agency for Tourism and Creative Economy launched a Carbon Footprint Calculator (CFPC) and Carbon Offsetting program in January.
This is believed to be able to increase the reputation and public confidence in the Indonesian tourism sector so that it can support the acceleration of economic recovery and create job opportunities.
Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Angela Tanoesoedibjo explained, this program is one way to overcome the impacts of climate change caused by tourism activities. According to her, environmental sustainability is the most valuable asset for sustainable tourism development.
"We have to move quickly through various innovations and collaborations to realize the concept of climate-friendly tourism," said Angela at the Socialization of Eco-Friendly Tourism at Tourism Destinations In Order Towards Low Carbon And Sustainable Destinations.
Climate change and tourism
According to Angela, based on the 2018 Nature Climate Change research, the tourism industry's carbon footprint on a global scale produced 8 percent of the world's carbon emissions, mainly from the transportation, shopping, and food sectors.
"This is certainly a common concern for us and must be part of our responsibility, as stakeholders from the tourism sector."
This collaboration between the Ministry of Tourism, Creative Economy, and Trace is expected to strengthen the understanding of all stakeholders and the public regarding climate change and technological innovation to overcome it from the perspective of the tourism sector.
Therefore, in the development of Indonesian tourism, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy already has a 3P formulation, namely people, planet and prosperity.
Sustainable Tourism in Indonesia
From the people aspect, paying attention to what tourists want, then the planetary aspect of how to care for and preserve tourist destinations, and the prosperity aspect is how to maximize sustainable economic value for the community. The formulation of the 3Ps is a pillar to create quality and thriving sustainable tourism.
The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy collaborates with Trace to calculate the emissions generated from tourist trips, both from the use of electricity, transportation fuel, and so on. Then offer offsetting programs such as tree planting for tourists to reduce the carbon footprint that results from their trip.
The innovation launched is also supported by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry because it aims to preserve the environment and develop urban forests. This program is in line with the theme and agenda of the G20 that is being promoted by Indonesia as the host this year.
Where Indonesia invites the whole world to work hand in hand, support each other to recover together, and grow stronger and more sustainable with the theme of recovering together, recovering stronger. There are three major agendas, firstly the global health system, secondly economic and digital transformation, and thirdly the transition to green energy or renewable energy.
Economic Value
The Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy said, as a sector engaged in the field of natural beauty, she invited all stakeholders to take care of it. The economic value generated from tourism activities, in addition to the welfare of the community and the regional economy, needs to be reused for nature conservation.
Hopefully, with the socialization and discussion starting from the carbon footprint calculator, carbon offsetting, and hopefully in the future it can give birth to various other innovations in handling climate change from the tourism sector.
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