It's not a taboo thing to do anymore


Self-expression at work is an opportunity to bring your entire talent, ability, creativity, and motivation to the workplace. The ideal goal is to keep each other's abilities authentic and not belittle each other. 

An organization will progress if its members perform well in their capacity and role so that the organizational "body" remains vibrant and constantly progressive.

CV-Library, one of the largest employment sites in the UK, reported that 90.2 percent of its professional workforce believes that employees should be able to express themselves at work. Furthermore, the Harvard Business Review published a statement stating that if a company allows its employees to express themselves at work, its bond with its employees will be stronger, as opposed to attempting to impose organizational pride on individual mindsets. 

In fact, a company should create opportunities for employees to express their unique personalities to provide a more pleasant workplace and, ultimately, reduce turnover.

Daniel M. Cable of London Business School, Francesca Gino of Harvard University, and Brad Staats of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill conducted additional research on the socialization process of self-expression at work. Employees who are allowed to express themselves while working are able to commit to longer hours with the company, even if they were recently hired. 

It also creates the perception that a company can achieve balance (and even profit) by positioning itself as a good place for employees to channel their energies. Perhaps this is because when people have the opportunity to express themselves, their passion and enthusiasm are channeled. They will work harder, be braver, more dedicated, and more creative when that happens.

With the dominance of the millennial generation in the professional industry, the evolution of culture regarding self-expression in the world of work is also increasing. Because self-expression for professional millennials manifests itself in the form of personal style, both in the way they dress and in the realization of their aspirations through work and career until ethical standards and dress tolerance become less odd. 

The transition to office design that is increasingly designed to be less monotonous begins to emerge in the corporate realm. According to a PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) Global survey, 77 percent of CEOs believe that creativity is the millennial generation's greatest ability. As a result, creating an expressive environment that encourages employee creativity is critical.

So, how do you move in terms of self-expression at work? First and foremost, keep in mind that your work is a reflection of your interests and goals. Consider the following suggestions to keep your ability to express yourself at work:

Increase your desire for self-actualization

Photo Courtesy of Andrea Piacquadio


Try to courage yourself by expressing your thoughts on alternative solutions to the current error issue in the team's business project because they believe that one team member's idea has the potential to impact the organization's success.

Make your job is a platform for your ambitions

Photo Courtesy of Snapwire


Work is a form of expression for you to make changes, both for your own development and the affected public. It is more than just a means of supporting life and gaining a career. After all, you joined an organization or company because of at least one vision that sparked your interest and ambition.

Consider how you want to contribute to the company 

Photo Courtesy of Pauxels


Because by expressing your point of view, you will be able to determine what skills you can bring to your desk. And, no matter what role you play, it will be more productive if you strive to present the best version of your authentic ideas and talents, no matter how unique they are. But keep in mind to remain authentic, wise, and professional. 





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