One of the largest EdTech platforms in Indonesia, Cakap collaborates with Benih Baik Foundation and Tokopedia to present an online English learning program for Indonesian orphans.

One of the largest EdTech platforms in Indonesia, Cakap joins hands with Benih Baik and Tokopedia to present an online English learning program for orphans in Indonesia. This learning activity, involving 30 orphanages in various cities, will be conducted for six months starting in February.
"We see that orphans in Indonesia still lack access to quality education," said Tomy Yunus, CEO and Co-Founder of Cakap. "For this reason, there is a need for synergy from all parties to improve quality education equally for marginalized communities, especially orphans."
"We hope that this program can continue to run smoothly and be useful for its users. Cakap's contribution will not stop here but can also continue to spread to other communities in need," Tomy added.
This online English learning program will be implemented in orphanages in eight Indonesian provinces. The provinces are Jakarta, Banten, West Java, East Java, Central Java, North Sumatra, South Sulawesi and Riau. There will be approximately 1500 individuals participating in this program, from children to adults.
The program also seeks to empower children with disabilities. For this purpose, Cakap invites the Foundation for the Development of Children with Disabilities (Yayasan Pembinaan Anak Cacat, YPAC) Medan.
"It is not easy to teach children with disabilities, but the teachers have an extraordinary level of patience. They have their own teaching method. The children are very enthusiastic," said Fahmi Hidayat, the foundation representative.
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A gap in the education system
Data from the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia reported that there were 30,789 children who were confirmed to have been orphaned in Indonesia. The provision of inclusive education is a viable strategy to narrow the gap in the country's education system. With the growth of Cakap, this initiative is a breakthrough in expanding access to quality education for those orphans.
Firdaus Juli, Chairman of Yayasan Benih Baik Indonesia, explained that as the foundation focuses on humanitarian missions to help people experiencing difficulties, it is also heartbreaking to see the number of orphans in Indonesia increasing as a result of the pandemic.
"Therefore, we continue to move to launch programs that can help orphans, one of which is the English language education program in orphanages," Firdaus said. "I would like to thank Cakap and Tokopedia for initiating this English learning program for 30 orphanages throughout Indonesia. We all understand that this program will greatly impact the quality of competitiveness of Indonesian human resources."
Meanwhile, Aditia Grasio Nelwan, Tokopedia's Senior Lead Public Affairs, stated that Tokopedia seeks to bridge social concerns for people who want to share goodness with others in an easy way. Thus, it also facilitates the noble program with its TopDonasi feature.
"Collaborating with strategic partners, including the community, BenihBaik.com, and Cakap.com, Tokopedia hopes to continue to create better opportunities for the education of Indonesian students through technology," he said.
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