It became one of the alternative renewable energies that play a significant role and support our energy needs.


Did you know that Wineru village has the largest solar panel farm in Indonesia? Indonesia which has a tropical climate should be blessed as we can fulfill energy independently. Thus it makes an opportunity for us to develop Solar Power Generation (PLTS) technology. It became one of the alternative renewable energies that play a significant role in energy independence and support our energy needs, mainly in rural areas. 

According to Mina News Net, 64,620 solar panels are neatly arranged in Wineru Village, Likupang Timur District, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province. Thousands of solar panels are stretched over fields covering 29 hectares. Vena Energy has used the presence of a sun-catching device as a new source of electrical energy since September 5, 2019.

Country Head Vena Energy Arisudono Soerono explained the average daily Likupang Solar Power Plant (PLTS) distributed electricity reaching 15 MW despite having an installed capacity of 21 Mega Watt Peak (MWp).

The functional area is 12 hours, starting at 05.30 a.m. Until the sun can get 15 MW, if not, then it will decrease. If it rains, it can enter 3 MW. That is until 5.30 P. M. At the Likupang PLTS location, as stated in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources press statement, MINA quoted on Saturday, March 14.


Photo Courtesy of GNFI


With the total installed capacity, PLUP Likupang is assessed to be the largest PLTS in Indonesia to date and as a support for the electricity system of the State Electricity Company (PLN) of Sulutgo (North Sulawesi-Gorontalo) of 15 MWp. This is the largest (PLTS) in Indonesia before the Floating PLTS in Cirata later.

The ability to convert from a voltage of 800 Volt DC to 380 Volt AC resulted in losses (shrinkage) of 6 MW. After that, the Likupang PLTS electricity production system is directly connected online with PLN’s electricity network. This generator is an online grid; we send it now to PLN online without battery storage for every kWh we produce.

Although not all-day electricity was generated, prices far below the cost of electricity using fuel or Diesel Power Plants (PLTD). What is clearly below the price of PLTD is much cheaper. Likupang PLTS has been built since the late 2017 Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and takes around 1.5 years with a total investment cost of US$29.2 million.

The plant has 120 carry boxes, 24 sets of inverters, and 6 PV boxes. The power purchase and sale contract lasts for 20 years with the Built, Own, Operate, Transfer (BOOT) scheme. During the peak of construction activities, Likupang PLTS has absorbed up to 900 local workers. Meanwhile, when operating, 80% of the workers are the surrounding community.

The plant can electrify up to 15,000 households during operation and reduce the greenhouse gas effect by 20.01 kilotons. Vena Energy is an independent power producer (IPP) company that focuses on developing solar and wind power plants.

In addition to Likupang PLTS, Vena is also a private electricity producer for the Tolo wind power plant (PLTB) in Jeneponto with a capacity of 72 MW and 3 PLTS in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, with a total of 7 MWp each.


Expansion opportunities

The success of operating the Likupang PLTS has pushed Vena Energy to open options for expansion in a number of its projects in Indonesia while awaiting PLN’s decision. However, it depends on the readiness of PLN because we have to follow the General Plan for Electric Power Supply (RUPTL).


Photo Courtesy of Nova Wahyudi


PLN has invited Vena Energy to participate in PLTS tenders in 3 locations on the island of Java (West Java, Central Java, and East Java). PLN has entered the Request for Proposal (RFP) in Java with a capacity of 150 MWp.

Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the potential for PLTS development reached 207.8 GWp with a realization of 0.15 GWp. Specifically for the North Sulawesi region, the potential for existing solar power goes 2.1 GWp. 


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