RedDoorz will strive to develop tourism in the West Nusa Tenggara province by introducing various supporting tour packages.

To demonstrate its commitment to the recovery of the tourism and hospitality industry, RedDoorz, the largest multi-brand accommodation platform in Southeast Asia, collaborated with the Government and the Tourism Office of West Nusa Tenggara or Nusa Tenggara Barat/NTB through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Governor Zulkieflimansyah.
The brand also sighed a Cooperation Agreement with the head of the NTB Tourism Office, Yusron Hadi. RedDoorz will also strive to develop tourist villages in the NTB province with various tour packages marketing in the cooperation agreement.
"The signing of this memorandum of understanding is a form of RedDoorz's commitment and efforts to support the NTB provincial government by working together in an effort to restore the tourism industry and the economy. Not only during the MotoGP event at Mandalika in March but also for the long term," said Director of Government Relations of RedDoorz Indonesia, Firry Wahid.
"We hope that these various cooperation programs can help restore the tourism business in the NTB area, which has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic for the past two years," he concluded.
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MotoGP and the new hope for tourism
As an international racing event, MotoGP is expected to bring many tourists to NTB. Mandalika itself already has many homestays available. Supported by a marketing strategy from RedDoorz, RedDoorz will also help improve the homestay by providing various forms of training.
"We always support property owners, in this case, homestay owners in the NTB area, by providing business solutions in preparing their homestay, not only for the MotoGP event but also for the long term," said Director of Hotel Partners RedDoorz Indonesia, Yudhistira.
The Head of the West Nusa Tenggara Province Tourism Office, Yusron Hadi, expressed his gratitude for the support that RedDoorz gave to the West Nusa Tenggara Province.
"We have high hopes that this cooperation can restore the economy of tourism and accommodation actors in our area. Hopefully, with this collaboration, the tourism industry in our area will improve and continue to grow with RedDoorz."
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RedDoorz tourism SMEs innovations
RedDoorz has done various things to help and support the tourism industry in Indonesia to survive and thrive. RedDoorz helps its property partners by promoting their accommodation on various RedDoorz platforms. The brand also provides training, such as customer service skills and English for employees of property partners.
In addition, with the hope of developing the tourism industry, RedDoorz has carried out various activities. One of them is the collaboration of RedDoorz and the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, and several other parties in the mobile vaccine cars program from Jakarta to Labuan Bajo, which so far has managed to reach more than 700 thousand people.
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