Empowering Communities through Sustainable Mangrove Management and Ecotourism Initiatives


As high-carbon ecosystems, mangroves and peatlands play a strategic role in climate change mitigation and adaptation. These ecosystems can store carbon at rates 2 to 10 times greater than conventional forests. Mangroves not only sequester carbon but also provide various direct and indirect benefits, such as food provision, coastal protection, nursery habitats, nutrient cycling, and ecotourism opportunities.

Indonesia, with its vast blue carbon potential, has around 3.3 million hectares of mangroves that can sequester 950 tons of CO2e per hectare. In efforts to sustain mangrove ecosystems, the local non-governmental organization (NGO) Pesisir Lestari implements a Community-led Sustainable Natural Resources Management model, positioning communities as key actors in the sustainable management of mangrove forests in their villages.

Since 2023, Pesisir Lestari has been active in four coastal villages facing challenges in implementing social forestry schemes: Budeng Village in Jembrana, West Bali; Uwedikan Village in East Luwuk, Banggai; Darunu Village in Wori, North Minahasa; and Golo Sepang Village in Boleng, West Manggarai.

To achieve its goals, Pesisir Lestari focuses on advocacy for management rights, local capacity building, livelihood improvement, and sustainable financing access for communities.

Ecotourism Focus in Budeng Village, Jembrana, Bali
Budeng Village, located in Jembrana Regency, Bali, boasts a rich cultural history and strong local traditions. With a mangrove area spanning 89.39 hectares, approximately 25 hectares are managed and developed by the Wana Mertha Farmers Group. Mangrove planting in this village began in 2007, and official management commenced in 2011 by KTH Wana Mertha.

I Putu Madiasa, the head of KTH Wana Mertha, stated, “KTH Wana Mertha manages the mangrove area in Budeng Village with three main focuses: ecotourism, non-timber forest products (NTFP), and silvofishery as a form of mangrove preservation.”

As part of its ecotourism initiative, the Warung Mangrove was established in 2021, offering a unique dining experience with views of the mangrove forest while serving a variety of dishes made from local catch, cooked by the village's women's group.

To support the sustainability of ecotourism in Budeng Village, Pesisir Lestari and KTH Wana Mertha conduct business analyses to serve as the basis for planning sustainable activities. This community-led development approach aims to incorporate educational elements for visitors and locals regarding mangrove preservation.

Warung Mangrove plays a crucial role in the sustainability of mangrove conservation. Here, the group markets non-timber forest products, including Donju Tea, Mangrove Chips, and Mangrove Pills, all produced collaboratively by the community using mangrove leaves and fruits.

Collaboration for a Sustainable Future
The mangrove area in Budeng is rich in biodiversity, including fish, shrimp, and crabs. Local residents can catch and collect these resources for sale and consumption, supporting the needs of Warung Mangrove. “With the existence of mangrove forests, we feel protected and can once again experience the economic benefits of catching biota like shrimp and crabs,” said I Kadek Sudiarsa, the secretary of KTH Wana Mertha.

Pesisir Lestari is also advocating for the recognition of mangrove forests in Budeng Village as a Village Forest under the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia. Through participatory mapping, they are coordinating with the West Bali Forest Management Unit to verify the areas to be proposed.

By obtaining Village Forest status, the community will gain utilization rights over their forests, enabling sustainable management based on ecological values and traditions passed down through generations. With the #BersamaBergerakBerdaya spirit, the community is committed to creating a #UntukmuBumiku that is better for future generations.

#THE S MEDIA #Media Milenial #mangroves #peatlands #climate change #carbon sequestration #blue carbon #Indonesia #ecotourism #sustainable management #community-led initiatives #coastal protection #non-timber forest products #participatory mapping #Village Forest #environmental advocacy #biodiversity #local livelihoods #cultural heritage #Pesisir Lestari #Warung Mangrove #sustainable development