Isra Mi’raj is celebrated to commemorate the journey taken by The Prophet Muhammad to heaven. Indonesia has its own ways to celebrate Isra Mi’raj, from Qur’an recitation to gathering, and pilgrimage.


With Islam as the biggest religion among the Indonesian population, Isra Mi’raj has been made into a national holiday since 1953 through the presidential decree number 24.

Isra Mi’raj is celebrated every 27th of Rajab in the Islamic calendar, also known as Hijria. The calendar is based on the moon cycle. To know more about lunar calendars, you can read our previous article on Lunar New Year here.

Isra Mi’raj is celebrated to commemorate the journey taken by The Prophet Muhammad to heaven. In that journey, The Prophet was given the order for Salat—the ritual Islamic prayer which is prescribed five times daily. This year, Isra Mi’raj is expected to fall on Monday, 28 February 2022.

Travel site Traveloka listed that each country has its own way to celebrate Isra Mi’raj, from Qur’an recitation to gathering, and pilgrimage.

The Isra Mi’raj celebration in Indonesia
With the many traditions in Indonesia, celebrations are interpreted differently in each region. Kampung Bukit in Bangka Belitung province, for instance, commemorates the holy day with a tradition called 'nanggung'.

'Nanggung' activity is distributing food to neighbors in a hamper or basket from cookies to local fruits. 'Nanggung' is also a common practice for people living in South Bangka.

Meanwhile, Cirebon of West Java celebrates Isra Mi’raj by doing 'Rajaban', which is a pilgrimage to the Plangon site. Plangon is a site where two historical Islam propagators were buried. Other tradition includes Qur’an recitation at the Keraton Kasepuhan—the local palace of Cirebon.

For people who live in Sebatik, the border between Malaysia and Indonesia, Isra Mi’raj is celebrated by baking cookies for the mosque. However, they're intended to be consumed later after the celebration ended.

In Karo, North Sumatra people are practicing the tradition called ‘Kerja Tuhan’ or literally translated as God’s work. During Isra Mi'raj, where people are holding harvest parties to show grace over God’s blessings. The time for this celebration is varied in each village, as decided by the village head.

Isra Mi’raj celebration in Canada and the United States
Isra Mi’raj is also acknowledged and celebrated in other countries with Muslim populations, such as the United States. Thousands of Muslims will gather in the local mosque for Qur’an recitation. They might also celebrate Isra Mi’raj by having a feast together with family and friends.

On the other side of the border, Muslims living in Canada would cook some food to be distributed to the neighbors, which is similar to the practice done by the Indonesians. However, instead of distributing main courses, Muslims in Canada usually distribute sweets.

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