There are hidden figures that fighting this outbreak.

We see that the COVID-19 pandemic is not just a health issue, but it connects to other complex elements, such as economy, inequality, poverty, etc. The national government has given their best efforts to face these problems, but the situation is still not getting better.
In 2020, the COVID-19 Nusantara Enlightenment Team (PN COVID-19) compiled some figures who silently participated in fighting this outbreak. We are not talking about doctors or nurses. So, who are they? What are they trying to do?
Sumadi is not an ordinary Puskesmas officer. He has worked there since 1992 and served at the Tanjung Priok Subdistrict Health Center since 2007. He has participated in various pandemics, from SARS, Avian Influenza, MERS, to COVID-19. His dedication made him officiates as Head of the Public Health Efforts Implementing Unit (UKM).
During the pandemic, Sumadi takes charge as a Head of UKM that coordinates to ensure the activity of SME is rolling based on standards. People are very idolising to Sumadi as he is very cooperative, agile, and has high sympathetic in communicating with many parties.
Shelly Silvia
Shelly Silvia is an alumni of Enlightenment Nusantara Batch VI (PN VI) and a volunteer doctor at Wisma Atlet. We don't know that being a volunteer doctor must be on super rigorous selection before being in charge. Selly confess that working at Wisma Atlet is not only a physical burden but also a mental attack. Shelly remembered how she felt despondent when a patient died.
Her daily task at Wisma Atlet doesn't always run smoothly. There was once a power outage at Wisma Atlet. Doctors are afraid that the patient's ventilator will also die. Luckily, this only disrupts public services while the patient care process continues to run well.
Syarief is one of the ambulance drivers at the Garuda Health Center at Bandung City. During the pandemic, he worked very intensely. Syarief realized that he takes high-risk at his job, but he feels happy to motivate patients. He sometimes throws some jokes to the patients to reduce their anxiety. He feels pity as the stigma of residents is also one who makes patients more stressed. “Me and the doctor give support to the patient, so they don't go down," he said.
Redjeki is head of RW 02 Kebon Bawang. Apart from his daily work, he is also a member of the COVID-19 Task Force in his area. Due to his humour and joking, he received the nickname 'His Majesty' from the surrounding environment. When carrying out patrols, he did not hesitate to educate the local people.
Redjeki does not indiscriminately educate the public. Whether on public streets, markets, or mosques, he always reminds people to follow health protocols. When people do not want to listen to his appeal, he is still patiently reminded again.
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