Prepare for the rainy days ahead with these simple tricks.
With all the changes in the world, you should understand by now how to save and invest money so that you will always have funds when times are tough. Here are eight good behaviors you can develop for a brighter future.
Stop making rash purchases
Before purchasing one (or more) goods, ask yourself, "Do I really need this?", "Do I use my weekly budget to pay for this shopping?" Don't deceive yourself — if one of the answers is no, immediately return the item you stole back to the shelf. Or, use this tested-and-true trick: if you develop a crush on something, don't buy it straight away. Hold for a few days, at the very least, so you can think clearly for an extended period of time.

Never overlook even the most minor expenses
Remember that financially mature ladies never ignore even the smallest charges and expenses. They will always strive to avoid doing things that can incur extra costs, such as wasting electricity or water. Consider how minor but unnecessary charges could add up and drain your wallet.
Use credit card wisely
We understand that having a credit card makes life easier. However, people tend to spend more money than they earn. Then, to make matters worse, credit card interest rates can increase. Isn't that terrifying? In addition to beginning to practice not spending more money than you make, try to use cash for minor purchases. Reduce your use of credit cards when shopping as well.

Save money for a down payment on a home
Perhaps you believe this point is less relevant because you still live at home with your parents. But keep in mind that saving for a house can take a long time. So, the sooner you begin, the sooner you will be able to purchase your dream home. Indeed, property prices can be extremely high and intimidating, but homeownership loans are currently relatively light. Rather than wasting your money on the latest Louis Vuitton bag, it's a smart idea to put money down for the future.
Maintain an emergency fund
You never know how quickly money can be depleted, especially if there is a sudden need. This emergency fund is used not only if you become ill or are involved in an accident but also if you lose your work. So, set up your own pension fund and some assets to be safe. Of course, this money should not be spent when you are overworked and want to take a holiday or when a Coach wallet is on sale.
Purchase health insurance
Not all businesses will give you proper health care. Many businesses rely only on BPJS from the government, which necessitates waiting in huge lines and can be a time-consuming process. Not to mention that hospitalization can be expensive — you can end up paying more than Rp 10 million for treatment, even for seasonal maladies such as typhoid and dengue fever. You should be aware that healthcare contributions are not as pricey as you believe. You can select insurance based on the level of protection that you require.

Create a financial strategy
Saving and paying off debt is considerably easier when you have a monthly budget plan. When you have some spare time and are not overburdened, you may begin putting down all of the revenue and costs you will incur in a month. Set money aside for rent, bills, food, entertainment, debt repayment, and savings. If you have some money to spend, alter your financial strategy by putting it in a separate account.
Make an investment
Many people believe that saving and investing are the same thing, but they are not. Saving can be defined as a money-saving activity. You can save money in a piggy bank or a bank at any time and from any location. The distinction with investing is that you invest a particular quantity of money (capital) in the form of real estate, gold, stocks, businesses, or antiques. In the long run, thanks to inflation, the worth of these things will rise, and you will benefit.
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