PINTU Incubator: Bridging Cultures and Craftsmanship through a Week of Fashion Innovation


The PINTU Incubator, a collaborative initiative designed to bridge the fashion worlds of Indonesia and France, wrapped up its first stage with a series of successful events in Jakarta. This program, supported by JF3, Lakon Indonesia, and the French Embassy through Institut français d’Indonésie (IFI), aimed to foster talent, preserve cultural heritage, and stimulate economic growth through fashion.

A Week of Highlights

From July 24th to July 31st, the PINTU Incubator hosted numerous activities, including fashion shows, mentoring sessions, and cultural exchanges, showcasing the creative synergy between Indonesian and French fashion professionals.

The week kicked off with the opening of the JF3, featuring a stunning show by Maison Armine Ohanyan Paris. This set the stage for a week filled with inspiring events:

  • Opening of the JF3 with Maison Armine Ohanyan Paris
    Date: Thursday, July 25th, 2024
    Time: 19.00 WIB
    Venue: La Piazza Fashion Tent, Summarecon Mall Kelapa Gading
  • Fashion Show by French Designers at JF3
    Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2024
    Time: 19.00 WIB
    Venue: La Piazza Fashion Tent, Summarecon Mall Kelapa Gading
    Featured Brands: 2 Mai Paris, Domestique, Pressiat, ATXI
  • Fashion Show by PINTU Participants & École Duperré Paris
    Date: Wednesday, July 31st, 2024
    Time: 14.30 WIB
    Venue: DRP Jakarta, Summarecon Mall Serpong
    Featured Brands: Indonesian brands incubated by PINTU and graduates from École Duperré Paris

Showcasing Talent

The incubator highlighted five promising Indonesian brands:

  • Kanya Pradipta Sarashvati for Senses
  • Khoirunnisa Pulungan for Arae
  • Angeline Amaya for Tales and Wonder
  • Elizabeth Marcellina for Enigma Art Textile
  • Vincent Mikhael for Denim It Up

These brands received mentorship from a distinguished French delegation comprising nineteen professionals, including designers and graduates from École Duperré Paris:

  • Alice Rio-Derrey for 2 Mai Paris
  • Bastien Beny for Domestique
  • Armine Ohanyan for Maison Armine Ohanyan Paris
  • Guillaume Hiriart Carriat for ATXI
  • Vincent Garnier for Pressiat

Expert Contributions

A host of fashion experts from Indonesia and France contributed to the program. Indonesian experts included:

  • Andi Yuktipada
  • Ari Handojo
  • Deddy Wongso
  • Hermawan Tanzil
  • Iman Nurakhmad Fajar
  • Lydia Kartawidjaja
  • Nur Amalyna Yusrin
  • Phoa Bing Hauw
  • Samudra Hartanto
  • Susan Budihardjo
  • Thresia Mareta
  • Yosua Yosafat Andree Saroinsong

French experts who provided invaluable insights and mentorship included:

  • Véronique Marinho, fashion industry expert
  • Sylvie Pourrat, director of Première Classe tradeshow in Paris (WSN)
  • Lydia Harroch, communication specialist for luxury brands
  • Victoire Satto, director of The Good Goods
  • Lena Novello, director of Crush Services
  • Joséphine Schmitt, member of the pedagogical team of ENANOMA-PSL
  • Boris Vey, director of partnerships and events at WSN
  • Sophia Anthoine, communication expert

Graduates from École Duperré Paris who participated in the program included:

  • Ninon Fievet
  • Coline Percin
  • Louisa Gauchon
  • Noémie Jondot
  • Guy Chassaing
  • Daniel Cheruzel

Looking Ahead

With the conclusion of the Jakarta events, the anticipation now shifts to the next phase of the PINTU Incubator. Three standout Indonesian brands will have the opportunity to present their collections at the prestigious Première Classe tradeshow during Paris Fashion Week in September 2024.

For further details about the PINTU Incubator and future events, please visit the official websites of PINTU Incubator and Institut français d’Indonésie.

#THE S MEDIA #Media Milenial #Fashion #PINTU Incubator #Indonesian fashion #French fashion #cultural exchange #fashion shows #fashion mentorship #École Duperré Paris #Maison Armine Ohanyan Paris #JF3 #Summarecon Mall Kelapa Gading #Première Classe tradeshow #Paris Fashion Week #Indonesian brands #French designers #fashion industry experts #fashion events #international collaboration #fashion innovation