Ministry of Communication and Informatics defines Digital Identity and tips around it.

In line with the dynamics of the digital economy, a digital identity is needed to support the development of Indonesia's digital ecosystem. The Ministry of Communication and Informatics Indonesia stated that a digital identity is a representation of an entity so that they are able to be differentiated in a digital context.
Due to the pandemic of Covid-19, an increased need for digital usage is shown from data of 21 million new digital users in 2021 based on a study from Google, Temasek, and Bain & Co. That being said, citizens have now understood that the functionality of the digital space is important.
In a webinar on The Importance of Digital Trust in Digital Economy Outlook Perspective of Indonesia, Johnny G Plate, Minister of Communication and informatics said through the chairman of the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII), Semuel A. Pangerapan, is in the midst of preparing three ways to help develop and support Indonesia's digital identity in the future.
Digital identity could be used in transactions like online shopping or to open a bank account. At the moment, Indonesia's Communication and Informatics ministry is aiming at that.

The three ways to develop the country's digital identity
Semuel started by saying that all digital innovations need to be encouraged. The three ways involve making the structure of the regulation, building a digital ecosystem, and growing digital talents in Indonesia.
Semuel stated that currently, from the regulation aspects, Indonesia already has the Electronic Information and Transaction Law running. The Ministry of Kominfo aims for a more appropriate digitalization fitting the single root system by Kominfo, especially to verified electronic signature users.
The second way of realizing the digital identity system in Indonesia is by building technological infrastructure that focuses on digital trust. Currently, Kominfo is attempting to discuss the Personal Data Protection Bill (RUU PDP). Pangerapan also shared his affirmation that digital users should not easily give out their digital identity as that could result in data misuse.
"We do not need to provide personal data in its entirety. We can provide a digital identity from one of the organizers and they are the ones who verify that this is indeed Mr. Semmy's identity, there is no need for me to enter the digital room to fill in my personal data every time," he said giving out an example.
In a third way, the ministry wants to increase the citizen's digital literacy as a means to attract more digital talent so the digital ecosystem could be faster to create. Pangeran also wants to focus on educating the citizens on how important to protect their digital identity.
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