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The Indonesian Ministry of Health ensures that every confirmed positive Covid-19 patient will continue to receive health services during self-isolation at home or quarantine in isolation centers. One of the health services provided by the Ministry of Health is telemedicine (telemedicine) or virtual health consultations with doctors on 11 platforms. Besides being able to consult with doctors, patients will also be sent drug packages. The free service for Covid-19 patients who are self-isolating has begun to be tested in DKI Jakarta, Tuesday (6/7/2021).
“So we are working with 11 telemedicine platforms to provide doctor consultation services and also free drug delivery services. Assisted by telemedicine friends, startups, and also the Ministry of Health," said Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin during a virtual press conference, Monday (5/7/2021).
The drug packages that can be sent free of charge to patients consist of multivitamins (C, B, E, Zinc), Azithromycin 500 mg, Oseltamivir 75 mg, and Paracetamol Tablets 500 mg. "For friends who are positive for Covid-19, but the saturation is above 95 percent, not congested and not comorbid, so that they can calmly stay at home and also get good treatment," he said. Get information, inspiration and insights in your email.
Registering your email to get telemedicine services are also integrated with 742 laboratories throughout Indonesia and can be accessed online. "Submission of results online and integrated with 11 telemedicine platforms," said Budi. The 11 telemedicine platforms are Alodokter, GetWell, Good Doctor and GrabHealth, Halodoc, KlikDokter, and KlinikGo. Then Link Sehat, Milvik Doctor, ProSehat, SehatQ, and YesDok.
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