Being creative is the most in demand skill to adapt to new technology.
Every part of life requires soft skills, particularly soft skills in the job sectors. The needs of skills are getting complex with the growth of technology for a while. Skills that were under-required ago or some new skills that emerge currently, now become the most wanted one.
World Economic Forum through Future of Jobs Report 2020 reveals some of the expected outlook for technology adoption jobs and skills in the next five years. They also predict the demanding professional skills in some countries, including Indonesia.
In demand skills in Indonesia workforce
Globally, the Future of Jobs Report 2020 described the 15 in demand skills in different countries. Indonesia became one of them who participate in this survey. The demand to think creatively but still has the unique value of its authenticity become the most demand-skills in Indonesia. This is predicted to be in line with technology that is always evolving, but the company wants to have values that represent the company.

Thinking creatively but still representing the original value of a particular industry is not an easy thing. The problem solver is also the most skilled in demand in today's workforce. Each country involved in this survey has a record of the most skills in demand in their countries. For example, the most demanding skill in Malaysia is to have emotional intelligence that are followed by creativity, originality, and initiative skills, which is in contrast to Indonesia.
Being adaptive to technology in this 21st century is one of the reasons why these skills are needed in the industrial world. This was followed by the COVID-19 pandemic which forced every country to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 by avoiding crowds through various virtual services.
Around 95 percent of the industries surveyed in Indonesia already used internet connection devices as a form of adapting to today's technology. This number also supports the work from the home policy during the pandemic that was implemented by many industries where 91.7 percent of survey-participating companies have adapted remote work systems for their workers. Overcoming this gap, various training is now being held by official agencies and private parties.
One of them is the Information and Communication Technology Training and Development Center (BPPTIK) where the training program that is available at BPPTIK is divided into two, which are technical and job training. Technical training is intended for Civil Servants (ASN), which refers to the Government Regulations (PP) No. 11 of 2017 concerning the Civil Servants Management and the Government Regulations (PP) No. 49 of 2018 concerning the Management of Government Employees with Work Agreements.
Meanwhile, job training is intended for the general public, which refers to the Government Regulations (PP) No. 11 of 2017 concerning Civil Servants Management and the Government Regulations (PP) No. 49 of 2018 concerning the Management of Government Employees with Work Agreements. Furthermore, a list of training can also be accessed on the official page of the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower which provides training from various fields with various levels and variations in prices offered.
Adapting to the environment is a skill that must be possessed by everyone, including workers in the Indonesian industrial world, in adopting technology and policies that are appropriate to the situation.
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