EUNIC Cluster Indonesia: Bridging Nations Through Cultural Diplomacy and Collaboration


In a historic moment for cultural diplomacy, the EUNIC Cluster Indonesia (European Union National Institutes for Culture) was officially launched on Monday at the Erasmus Huis. The initiative, spearheaded by key European institutions including the British Council, Embassy of Austria, Embassy of Ireland, Embassy of Poland, Embassy of Spain, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Goethe-Institut Indonesien, Institut Francais d’Indonesie, and Istituto Italiano di Cultura, aims to foster robust cultural connections and collaborations between Europe and Indonesia.

The EUNIC Cluster Indonesia, leveraging the deep-rooted relations already established in the Indonesian archipelago, seeks to promote dialogue in the arts, culture, and education sectors. By working closely with local partners, EUNIC aspires to contribute to the development of inclusive and sustainable cultural programs.

EUNIC, with a presence in over 100 countries worldwide, plays a crucial role in advocating for the significant role of culture in international relations and serves as a strategic partner of the European Union. The organization actively contributes to the implementation of European cultural policy while providing a platform for knowledge sharing and capacity building among its members and partners.

The EUNIC Cluster Indonesia is set to play a pivotal role in several key areas. The cluster aims to facilitate knowledge exchange through international seminars, policy advocacy, and expertise missions. Additionally, it will focus on enhancing the sector's capacity through training and residency programs, fostering international co-productions, and identifying opportunities for collective impact.

Particularly noteworthy is EUNIC Cluster Indonesia's focus on a wide array of topics including arts, creative industries, development cooperation, digitalization, education, gender, museology and heritage, human rights, language and multilingualism, social inclusion, sports, sustainability, climate change, youth, and more.

Targeting key partners in Indonesia's cultural landscape, EUNIC aims to collaborate with relevant ministries such as the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Higher Education, Research, and Technology. Beyond governmental entities, the cluster also seeks engagement with regional government institutions, geopolitical entities like the ASEAN Secretariat, youth organizations, local community groups, civil society organizations, the Indonesian Arts Coalition, and the EU delegation.

Summer Xia, Co-President of EUNIC Cluster Indonesia and Country Director Indonesia and Director South East Asia at the British Council, expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration, stating, "The launch of the EUNIC Cluster Indonesia marks a pivotal moment for cultural cooperation between Europe and Indonesia. At the British Council, we are excited to contribute to this new collaborative endeavor and bring together partners across Europe and Indonesia to strengthen the role of culture in international relations and tackle social issues and global challenges."

Charlotte Esnou, Co-President of EUNIC Cluster Indonesia and Director of Institut français d'Indonésie in Jakarta, echoed the sentiment, stating, "We are thrilled to be part of this dynamic collaboration that fosters cultural exchange and mutual understanding between Europe and Indonesia. Through the EUNIC Cluster Indonesia, we look forward to nurturing a vibrant space for intercultural dialogue and cooperation, further enriching the cultural fabric of both regions."

The launch of EUNIC Cluster Indonesia signifies a significant step towards deeper cultural ties between Europe and Indonesia, promising a future of enriched cultural exchange and cooperation.

#THE S MEDIA #Media Milenial #Cultural Diplomacy #EUNIC Cluster Indonesia #European Union #Indonesia Cultural Exchange #Arts Collaboration #International Relations #Cross-Cultural Dialogue #Sustainable Programs #Development Cooperation #Digitalization in Culture #Education Initiatives #Youth Engagement #EU-ASEAN Relations #Ministry Partnerships #Global Challenges #Intercontinental Cooperation #British Council #European Cultural Policy #Indonesian Arts Coalition #Erasmus Huis